Saturday 8 February 2014

c program to find prime numbers in an array

Write a C program to print the prime number between 1 to n number.

for example: 1 to 100

 1 is not the prime number. All even number is not the prime number except the number 2.
in this program we find where number is prime or not in array 
/* C program to find all prime numbers from the inputted array */



void main()


     int ar[100],i,n,j,counter;

    printf("Enter the size of the array ");


     printf("\n Now enter the elements of the array");




     printf(" Array is -");



           printf("\t %d",ar[i]);

    printf("\n All the prime numbers in the array are -");











                 printf("\t %d",ar[i]);



/*Print “Even” or “Odd” without using conditional statement
Write a C/C++ program that accepts a number from the user and prints “Even” if the entered number is even and prints “Odd”
if the number is odd.
    Your are not allowed to use any comparison (==, <, >..etc)
     or conditional (if, else, switch,
    ternary operator,..etc) statement.*/
    printf("tjis cod by ameer hamza");

int main()
    int no;
    printf("Enter a no: ");
    scanf("%d", &no);
    (no & 1 && printf("odd"))|| printf("even");
    return 0;

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