Monday 15 September 2014

No 1 Notepad cool trick

Matrix effect using Note pad
we have seen some videos or some Hollyword movies in some satge in movie we have seen some hacking view  like this 

it is realy look like hacking but is not hacking it is Notpad trick ok how they do that ?how buit hacking 
i will tell u what is secret just follow me

  • open you notpad 
  • copy this code then past in notepad 

@echo off

color 02


echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%


goto start

  • and save it 
  • now you computer will be ask for file name  and save as type so set this file name Matrix.bat and chose All file in save as type 
  • here one more thing remember the destination when u save the file so i recommend you save on you destop 
  • now Double click file and see what happened  

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